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Folio 91r
Folio 91r
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whyght͵ wyne And than they lete a noynte themʹ wᵗ bawme
ouer & ouer and holer men than they were wᵗ Inʹ anʹ houres space
was neuer lyvyngʹ synʹ god þᵉ worlde made So whan they
were clensed & hole they broched barellys & brought͵ themʹ
þᵉ wyne wyth͵ brede & brawne & many ryche byrdys ¶ And
whan they had etynʹ Sir Gawayne seyde lordyngɤ go to ar//
mys‧› And whan they were armed & assembled to gedyrs wᵗ
a clere Claryon callys themʹ to gedir to counceyle. And sir
Gawayne of͵ þᵉ case hem tellys ¶ Now teƚƚ͵ vs sir Pryamus
aƚƚ͵ þᵉ hole purpose of͵ yondir pryce knyghtɤ //¶ Sirs seyde
Sir Pryamus for to rescow me they have made a vowe
er ellys manfully on this molde to be marred aƚƚ͵ at͵ onys
This was þᵉ pure purpose whanʹ I passed thens at͵ hir perel//
lys to preff͵ me vppon payne of͵ þeire lyvys ¶ Now good menʹ
seyde Sir Gawayne grype vp yoᵅ hertɤ & yf͵ we gyltles
go this a way hit͵ woƚƚ͵ greffe oure kynge. And Sir fflorens
Inʹ this fyght͵ shaƚƚ͵ here a byde for to kepe þᵉ stale as a knyȝt͵
noble for he was chosyn & charged In chambir wᵗ þᵉ kynge
chyfftenʹ of͵ this chekke and cheyff͵ of͵ vs aƚƚ͵. And whethir he
woƚƚ͵ fyght͵ oþer fle we shaƚƚ͵ folow aftir ffor as for me for aƚƚ͵
yondir folkys faare for sake hemʹ shaƚƚ͵ I neuer ¶ A fadir seyde
fflorens fuƚƚ͵ fayre now ye speke for I am but͵ a fauntekynʹ
to fraysted men of͵ armys and yf͵ I ony foly do þᵉ fauȝt mus//
te be youres‧› There fore lese nat͵ youre worshyp my wytt͵
is but͵ symple & ye ar oure aƚƚ þere governoure þerefore worke
as ye lykys //

Milestone: Sir Priamus warns of dangers ahead

¶ Now fayre lordys seyde Sir Pryamus
Cese youre wordys I warne you be tyme for ye shaƚƚ͵ fynde
Inʹ yondir woodys many perellus knyghtɤ they woƚƚ͵ putte
furth͵ beystys to bayte you oute of͵ nūbir and ye ar fraykis
Inʹ this fryth͵ nat͵ paste .vij.C. and þᵗ is feythfully to fewe
to fyght͵ wᵗ so many for harlottys and haynxmen wol. helpe