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boy a lone þᵗ bare a grӯme speare ¶ The knyght͵ bare
In his shelde of͵ golde glystrand .iij. Gryffons In Sabyƚƚ͵
and a charbuckkle þᵉ cheff͵ of͵ Syluer. whan sir Gawayne was
ware of͵ þᵗ gay knyght͵ Than he gryped a grete spere and
rode streyght͵ towarde hymʹ onʹ a stronge horse for to mete
wᵗ þᵗ stern knyght͵ where þᵗ he ⁁(he) hoved ¶ Whanʹ sir Gawayne
comʹ hymʹ nyȝe In englyshe he asked hymʹ what͵ he was‧›
And þᵗ oþer knyght͵ answerde Inʹ his langage of͵ Tuskayne
and sayde whoþer pryckyst͵ þᵘ pylloure þᵗ profers þᵉ so large þᵘ
gettyst no pray prove whanʹ þᵉ lykys for my presoner þᵘ shalt͵ be for
aƚƚ͵ thy proude lokys ¶ Thou spekyste proudly seyde sir
Gawayne but͵ I counseyle þᵉ for aƚƚ͵ thy grӯme wordis þᵗ
þᵘ grype to the thy gere or more grame falle
Div: Than hir launcis they handylde by crauff͵ of armys
Milestone: Fight between them ensues
Than hir launcis they handylde by crauff͵ of armys
And com on spedyly wᵗ fuƚƚ͵ syker dyntes and there
they shotte thorow shyldys and mayles and thorow there
shene shuldyrs they were thorow borne the brede of͵ an
hande ¶ Thanʹ were they so wroth þᵗ a way wolde they neuer
but͵ rathly russhes oute þeire swerdys and hyttys onʹ þeire hel//
mys wᵗ hatefuƚƚ͵ dyntys and stabbis at͵ hir stomakys wᵗ
swerdys weƚƚ͵ steled so freyshhly þo fre men fyghtɤ on the
grounde whyle þᵉ flamynge fyre flowe oute of͵ hir hel//
mys Than Sir Gawayne was grevid wondirly sore &
swyngɤ his swerde Galantyne and grymly he strykys
and clevys þᵉ knyghtɤ shylde In sundir & thorow oute the
thycke haubirke made of͵ sure mayles and þᵉ Rubyes that͵
were ryche. he russhed hemʹ In sundir þᵗ menʹ myght͵ be hol//
de þᵉ lyvir and longɤ Thanʹ groned þᵉ knyght͵ for his grӯme
woundis and gyrdis to sir Gawayne and awkewarde hymʹ
strykɤ and brastyth͵ the rere brace and the vawm brace
bothe and kut͵ thorow a vayne þᵗ Gawayne sore greved for