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Fol. 89v
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so worched his wounde þᵗ his wytte chonged And þere wᵗ aƚƚ͵
his armure was aƚƚ͵ blody be rēne //
Milestone: Sir Priamus addresses Sir Gawayne
¶ Than þᵗ knyght͵ tal//ked to Sir Gawayne and bade hymʹ bynde vp his wounde
or thy ble chonge for þᵘ aƚƚ͵ be bledis this horse & thy bryȝt͵
wedys‧› for aƚƚ͵ þᵉ barbers of͵ Bretayne shaƚƚ͵ nat͵ thy blood
staunche ¶ ffor who þᵗ is hurte wᵗ this blaade bleed shal.
he euer ¶ Be god sayde Sir Gawayne hit͵ grevys me but͵
lytyƚƚ͵ yet͵ shalt͵ þᵘ nat͵ feare me for aƚƚ͵ thy grete wordis
Thow trowyste wᵗ thy talkynge to tame my herte But͵
yet͵ þᵘ be tydys tene or þᵘ parte hense but͵ þᵘ telle me In has//
te who may stanche my bledynge. That͵ may I do and
I woƚƚ͵ so þᵘ wolt͵ succoᵅ me þᵗ I myght͵ be fayre crystynde
and be com meke for my mysdedis ¶ Now mercy I Iɧū be
seche and I shaƚƚ͵ be com crysten and In god stedfastly be
leve & þᵘ mayste for thy manhode haue mede to thy soule
I graunte seyde Sir Gawayne So god me helpe to fuƚƚ͵
fyƚƚ͵ aƚƚ͵ thy desyre þᵘ haste gretly hit͵ deservyd. So þᵘ say me
þᵉ soth͵ what͵ þᵘ sought͵ here thus sengly thy self͵ a lone and
what͵ lorde or legeaunce þᵘ art͵ vndir / Sir he seyde I hyȝt͵
Priamus and a Prynce is my fadir & he hath͵ bene Re//
beƚƚ͵ vnto Rome and ouer redyn muche of͵ hir londis‧› &
my fadir is com of͵ Alysaundirs bloode þᵗ was ouer leder of͵
kyngɤ. And of͵ Ector also was he com by þᵉ ryght͵ lyne
& many mo were of͵ my kynrede bothe Judas macabeus͵
And deuke Iosue And ayre I am alþer nexte of͵ Alysaundir
and of͵ Aufryke and of͵ aƚƚ͵ þᵉ oute Iles yet͵ woƚƚ͵ I be leue
on thy lorde þᵗ þᵘ belevyst͵ on and take þᵉ for thy laboᵅ tresoᵅ
I now for I was so haute In my herte I helde no manʹ
my pere So was I sent͵ In to this werre by þᵉ assente
of͵ my fadir wᵗ .vij. score knyghtɤ And now I haue enco//
untred wᵗ one hath͵ geevynʹ fyghtyngʹ my fylle͵ There