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Folio 92r
Folio 92r
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onʹ his .v. score knyghtɤ. Than Sir fflorens and Sir fflory//
In feautir bothe castys þeire spearys and they felled .v. at the frunte at͵
þᵉ frunte at͵ þᵉ fyrste entre and sore they assayled oure folke
and brake browys & brestys and there was grete fyghte and many slayne and leyde to the grounde and Syr Florence with his hondred knyghtes allwayes kepte the stale and fought manlyfelde many a downe

Milestone: Sir Priamus and Sir Gawayne

¶ Whan Sir Pryamus͵ þᵉ pryse knyght͵ perceyved þeire gamys
he yode to Sir Gawayne and thes wordys seyde thy pryse
men ar sore be gone and put͵ vndir. for they ar ouer sette
wᵗ Sareȝens mo than .v.C. now wolde þᵘ suffir me for the
loue of͵ thy god wᵗ a smaƚƚ͵ parte of͵ thy men to succoure hemʹ
be tyme ¶ Sir grucch͵ ye nat͵ seyde Sir Gawayne þᵉ gre
is there owne for they mowe haue gyfftys fuƚƚ͵ grete I gra//
unted of͵ my lorde there fore lette them fyght͵ whylys hemʹ
lystɤ þᵉ freysh͵ knyghtɤ for som of͵ hem fought͵ nat͵ þeire fylle of͵
aƚƚ͵ this .v. wyntyr there fore I woƚƚ͵ nat͵ styrre wyth͵ my
stale half͵ my steede length͵ . but͵ yf͵ they be stadde wyth͵ mo//
re stuff͵ thanʹ I se hem a gaynste ¶ So by þᵗ tyme was Sir
Gawayne ware by þᵉ woodys syde menʹ cōmynge woodly
wᵗ aƚƚ͵ maner of͵ wepon. ffor þere rode þᵉ Erle of͵ Ethelwolde
havyngʹ onʹ eyþer half͵ many hole thousandys and þᵉ deuke
of͵ douchemenʹ dressys hym hymʹ aftir & passis wᵗ Pryamus

Milestone: Great battle

¶ Thanʹ Gawayne the good knyght͵ he chered his
knyghtɤ and sayde greve you nat͵ good menʹ for yondir gᵉte
syght͵and be nat͵ a baysshed of͵ yondir boyes Inʹ hir bryghte
weedis for & we feyght͵ In fayth͵ þᵉ felde is ourys ¶ Than
they haled vp þeire brydyls and be ganʹ walop and by þᵗ they
com nygh͵ by a londys length͵ they iowked downe wᵗ herʹ
hedys many Iantyƚƚ͵ knyghtɤ a more Iolyarʹ Ioustynge was
neuer sene on erthe. Than þᵉ ryche menʹ of͵ þᵉ rounde tabƚe
ranʹ thorow þᵉ thykkeste wᵗ hir stronge sperys þᵗ many a
raynke for þᵗ provesse ran In to þᵉ grevys & durste no kna//
vys but͵ knyghtɤ kene of͵ herte fyght͵ more Inʹ this felde