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Folio 93r
Folio 93r
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Cheldrake and so þᵗ chek͵ þᵗ chylde cheved by chaunce of͵ armys
¶ But͵ thanʹ they chaced þᵗ chylde þᵗ he nowhere myght͵ a scape
ffor one wᵗ a swerde the halse of͵ þᵉ chylde he smote In too ¶ whā The deth͵ of͵

Sir Gawayne hit͵ sawe he wepte wyth͵ aƚƚ͵ his herte & Inward//
ly he brente for sorow // But͵ anone Gotelake a good manʹ of͵
armys for Chastelayne the chylde he chongyd his mode þᵗ þᵉ
wete watir wente doune his chykys ¶ Thanʹ sir Gawayne
dressis hymʹ & (&) to a deuke rydys And Sir Dolphyn the deuke
droff͵ harde a gaynste hym But͵ Sir Gawayne hymʹ dressyth͵
wᵗ a grete spere þᵗ þᵉ groundenʹ hede droff͵ to his herte yette The deth͵of͵
Sir dolphyn

he gate hit͵ oute & ran to anʹ oþer one Sir hardolf͵ an hardy
man of͵ armys and slyly In he lette hit͵ slyppe thorow & sodey//
nly he fallyth͵ to þᵉ erthe yet͵ he slow In the slade of͵ men of͵
armys mo than Syxty wᵗ his hondys ¶ Than was Sir
Gawayne ware of͵ þᵉ manʹ þᵗ slew Chastelayne his chylde &
swyfftly wᵗ his swerde he smyttyth͵ hym thorow Now and þᵘ
haddyst͵ ascaped wᵗoutyn scathe þᵉ scorne had bene oures . &
aftir Sir Gawayne dressis hym vnto þᵉ route and russhyth͵
on helmys & rode streyte to þᵉ rerewarde and so his way
holdyth͵ And Sir Pryamus͵ hymʹ aƚƚ͵ þere nexte gydynge hym
his wayes and þere they hurtelyth͵ and hewyth͵ downe hethyn
knyghtɤ many & Sir fflorence on þᵉ oþer syde dud what͵ he myȝt͵
There þᵉ lordys of͵ Lorayne and of͵ Lumbardy both͵ were ta//
kyn and lad away wᵗ oure noble knyghtɤ . ffor suche a chek͵
oure lordys cheved by chaunce of͵ þᵗ were that they were so a
vaunced for hit͵ avayled hem euer ¶ Whanʹ Sir Florence and
Sir Gawayne had þᵉ felde wonne than they sente before .v.
score of͵ knyghtɤ and her prayes & hir presoners passyth͵ hem
aftir. And Sir Gawayne Gawawayne In a streyte passage he hovyth͵ tyƚƚ͵
aƚƚ͵ þᵉ prayes were paste þᵗ streyte patthe þᵗ so sore he dredith͵
So they rode tyƚƚ͵ they þᵉ cite sawe and sothly þᵉ same day wᵗ