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Folio 92v
Folio 92v
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but͵ fledde ¶ Be god seyde Sir Gawayne this gladys my
herte þᵗ yondir gadlyngɤ be gone for they made a grete
nūbir ¶ Now ar they fewer Inʹ þᵉ felde thanʹ they were
fyrst͵ nūbyrd by .xxti. Mƚ. Inʹ feyth͵ for aƚƚ͵ þeire grete boste

Milestone: Iubeaunce a mighty Giant

¶ Than Jubeaunce of͵ Geane a myghty gyaunte͵ he feau//
tred his speare to Sir Garrarde a good knyght͵ of͵ walys
he smote þᵉ Waylshe knyght͵ evynʹ to þᵉ herte. Thanʹ ourʹ
knyghtɤ myghtyly meddeled wyth͵ hir myddylwarde.
but͵ a none at͵ aƚƚ͵ assembƚe many Saresyns were destro//
yed for þᵉ soueraynes of͵ Sessoyne were salued for euer

Milestone: Sir Priamus and knights of the Round Table

¶ By
þᵗ tyme Sir Pryamus͵ the good prynce In þᵉ presence
of͵ lordys Royaƚƚ͵to his penowne he rode and lyghtly
hit͵ hentys and rode wᵗ þᵉ Royaƚƚ͵ rought͵ of͵ þᵉ rounde
table and streyte aƚƚ͵ his retynew folowed hymʹ aftyr
oute of͵ þᵉ woode they folowed as shepe oute of͵ a folde
and streyte they yode to þᵉ felde and stood by þeire kynde lor//
de and sytthyn they sente to þᵉ deuke thes same wordis
Sir we haue bene thy Sowdyars aƚƚ͵ this .vij. wynter and
now we (we) for sake þᵉ for þᵉ love of͵ oure lyege lorde Arthure
ffor we may wᵗ oure worshype wende where vs lykys
for garnesonʹ noþer golde haue we none resceyved .Fye
onʹ you þᵉ devyƚƚ͵ haue yoᵅ bonys. ffor suche Sowdyars
I sette but͵ a lytyƚƚ͵ ¶ Than þᵉ deuke dressys his dowch͵
menʹ streyte vnto sir Gawayne and to Sir Pryamus͵
So they .ij. gryped þeire spearys and at͵ þᵉ gaynyste In theyhe
gurdegurdys wyth͵ hir noble myghtɤ and þere sir Pryamus͵ The deth͵ of͵
þᵉ marquesse

metyth͵ wᵗ þᵉ Marquesse of͵ Moyses londe & smytyth͵
hymʹ thorow

Milestone: Sir Chastelayne

¶ Than Chastelayne a chylde of͵ kyngʹ
Arthurs chambir he was a warde of͵ Sir Gawaynes
of͵ þᵉ weste marchis he chasis to Sir Cheldrake that͵
was a chyfteyne nobƚe and wᵗ his spere he smote thorow