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Sir seyde Sir Cador there was none of͵ vs þᵗ fayled othir
But͵ of͵ þᵉ knyghthode of͵ Sir Launcelot͵ hit͵ were meruayle
to telle & of͵ his bolde Cosyns ar proved fuƚƚ͵ nobƚe knyȝtɤ
But͵ of͵ wyse wytte & of͵ grete strengthe of͵ his ayge sir
Launcelot͵ hath͵ no felowe ¶ Whanʹ þᵉ kyngʹ herde sir Cador
sey such͵ wordys he seyde hymʹ be semys for to do such͵ dedis

Milestone: Sir Cador tells King Arthur of men lost

¶ And sir Cadore tolde Arthure whyche of͵ þᵉ good knyghtis
were slayne. The Kynge of͵ Lybye And he slew the fyrste
knyght͵ on oure syde þᵗ was Sir Bereƚƚ͵ And sir Aladuke
was anʹ oþer a nobƚe manʹ of͵ armys And sir Maurel And sir
Mores that͵ were .ij. brethyrnʹ wᵗ sir Manaduke and Sir
Mandyff͵ .ij good knyghtɤ ¶ Than þᵉ kynge wepte wᵗ a keuerchoff͵
wyped his Iyenʹ & sayde yoᵅ corrage & yoᵅ hardynesse nere
hande had you destroyed . for & ye had turned agayne ye
had loste no worshyp. For I calle hit͵ but͵ foly to a bydewhā
knyghtɤ bene ouer macched. ¶ Not͵ so sayde sir Launcelot͵
the shame sholde euer haue bene oures‧ That͵ is trouthe
seyde sir Clegis and Sir Bors for knyghtɤ ons shamed
Recouerys hit͵ neuer


Milestone: Senatour escapes to Emperor Lucius

¶ Now leve Sir Arthure and his no//
bƚe knyghtɤ and speke we of͵ a Senatoure þᵗ ascaped fro
þᵉ batayle͵ ¶ Whanʹ he com to Lucius the Emperourʹ of͵ Rome
he seyde Sir wᵗdraw þᵉ what͵ doste þᵘ here In this mar//
chis and to ouerren poore pepƚe þᵘ shalt͵wynne no (no) thyngʹ
ellys‧ & if͵ þᵘ dele wᵗ kynge Arthure and his doughty knyȝtɤ
þᵘ wynnys naught͵ ellys but͵ grete strokys oute of͵ me//
sure. For this day one of͵ Arthurs knyghtɤ was worth͵
In batayle an .C. of͵ oures ¶ Fye onʹ þe seyde Lucyus for
cowardly þᵘ spekyste yf͵ my harmys me greve thy wor//
dys greveth͵ me muche more

Milestone: King Arthur occupies Sessoyne

¶ Than he called to hym
his counceyle menʹ of͵ nobƚe bloode ¶ So by aƚƚ͵ theire
advyse he sent͵ forth͵ a knyght͵ þᵗ hyght͵ Sir Leomye he


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Folio 84r
Folio 84r