Fol. 82v
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kyngʹ to honoure vs for euer and to gyff͵ vs lordshyppis
& landys for oure noble dedys And he þᵗ faynes hym to
fyght͵ þᵉ devyl haue his bonys‧› & Who save ony knyghtɤ
for lycoure of͵ goodys tylle aƚƚ͵ be done & know who shal.
haue þᵉ bettir he doth͵ nat͵ knyghtly so Iɧū me helpe ¶ þan
anone Sir Launcelot͵ and Sir Cador tho .ij myghty Dukis
dubbed knyghtys worshyp to wynne Joneke was þᵉ fyrste
a Iusterʹ fuƚƚ͵ nobƚe Sir hectimerʹ and Sir Alyduke bothe
of Inglonde borne And Sir hanerel and Sir hardolf͵ fuƚƚ͵ har//
dy menʹ of͵ Armys‧› Also Sir harry And Sir harygaƚƚ͵ þat͵
good menʹ were bothe //¶ Now felowys seyde Sir Launcelot͵
and sir Cador the kene k⁁(e)ne Com hydir sir Bedwere and sir Berel.
take wᵗ you sir Raynolde and sir Edwarde that͵ ar sir Roulon//
dis chyldir & loke þᵗ ye take kepe to thes noble presoners what͵
chaunce so vs be tyde save them & yoᵅself͵ this cōmaundemēt͵
we geff͵ you as ye woƚƚ͵ { } xx answere to oure souerayne lorde
And for ony stowre þᵗ euer ye se us be stadde stondys In yoᵅ
stale & sterte ye no ferþer . And yf͵ hit͵ be falle þᵗ ye se oure charge
is to muche thanʹ recouer yoᵅself͵ vnto som kydde casteƚƚ͵ & than
ryde you faste vnto oure kynge and pray hymʹ of͵ soccoᵅ as he
is oure kynde lorde ¶ And thanʹ they fruyshed forth͵ aƚƚ͵ at͵
onys of͵ þᵉ bourelyest͵ knyghtɤ þᵗ euer brake brede wᵗ mo than
V . C . at͵ þᵉ formyst͵ frunte & caste þeire speares In feawter aƚƚ͵ at͵
onys and save trumpettɤ þere was no noyse ellys
Milestone: Sir Berel is slayn by the King of Lybye
¶ Than theRomaynes oste Remeved alytyƚƚ͵ and þᵉ lorde þᵗ was kynge
of Lybye that͵ lad aƚƚ͵ þᵉ formyste route he keste his spere In fe//
autyr & bare his course evyn to sir Berel and strake hymʹ
thorow þᵉ gorge that͵ he and his horse felle to þᵉ grounde &
so he was brought͵ oute of͵ his lyff͵ ¶ Alas sayde sir Cadore The deth͵ of͵
Sir Berel.
now carefuƚƚ͵ is myne herte þᵗ now lyetɧ dede my Cosyn þᵗ
I beste loved he alyght͵ off͵ his horse and toke hymʹ In hys