Fol. 82r
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thes .iij. knyghtɤ & aspyed In the woodis menʹ of͵ armys ry//
dyngʹ on sterne horsys
Milestone: Sir Clegis speaks
¶ Than Sir Clegys cryed on low//de is þere ony knyght͵ kyngʹ oþer cayserʹ þᵗ dare for his lordis love
þᵗ he servyth͵ recountir wᵗ a knyght͵ of͵ þᵉ rounde tabƚe be he
kyngʹ oþer knyght͵ here is his recounterer redy ¶ Anʹ Erle hyˉ
answeryd angirly agayne and seyde thy lorde wenys wᵗ
his knyghtɤ to wynne aƚƚ͵ þᵉ worlde I trow yoᵅ currage shal
be aswaged Inʹ shorte tyme ¶ Fye on þᵉ cowarde seyde Sir
Clegis as a cowarde þᵘ spekyste for by Iɧu myne armys
ar knowynʹ thorow oute aƚƚ͵ Inglonde and Bretayne And
I amʹ com of͵ olde Barounes of͵ Auncetry nobƚe and Sir
Clegis is my name a knyght͵ of͵ þᵉ tabƚe rounde . And frome
Troy Brute brought͵ myne elders ¶ Thou T[ ] x hou be semeste
weƚƚ͵ seyde þᵉ kyngʹ to be one of͵ þᵉ good be thy bryght͵ browys
but͵ for aƚƚ͵ þᵗ þᵘ canst͵ conieoure oþer sey þere shaƚƚ͵ none þᵗ is here
medyƚƚ͵ wᵗ þᵉ this tyme
Milestone: Three knights recount what they have seen
¶ Than sir Clegis Returned fro theRyche kyngʹ and rode streyghte to Sir launcelot͵ And vnto
sir Cadore And tolde hemʹ what͵ he had seyne seydeseyne Inʹ the
woodis of͵ þᵉ fayryste syght͵ of͵ men of͵ armys to þᵉ nūbir of͵
Sixty .Mƚ.
Milestone: Three knights discuss action to be taken
¶ and þerefore lordyngɤ fyght͵you be hovys oþer ellysshunte for shame chose wheþere ye lykys ¶ Nay be my fayth͵
sayde sir launcelot͵ to turne is no tyme for here is ⁁(is) aƚƚ͵ olde
knyghtɤ of͵ grete oldegrete worshyp þᵗ were neuer shamed. And as
for me & my cousyns of͵ my bloode we ar but͵ late made
knyghtɤ yett͵ wolde we be loth͵ to lese þᵉ worshyp þᵗ oure
eldyrs haue deseruyd. ye sey weƚƚ͵ seyde sir Cador and aƚƚ͵
thes knyghtɤ of͵ youre knyghtly wordis ye comfortis vs aƚƚ͵
and I suppose here is none woƚƚ͵ be glad to returne. And as
for me seyde sir Cador I had leuer dye this day thanʹ onys to
turne my bak ¶ ye sey weƚƚ͵ seyde sir Borce lette vs set͵ onʹ
hem freyshly and þᵉ worshyp shaƚƚ͵ be oures And cause oure