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cōmaunded at͵ Crystemasse be fore hymʹ selfe & c

Div: Than come there anʹ husbande manʹ

Milestone: Husbond man tells of Giant

Than come þere anʹ husbande manʹ oute of͵ the
contrey and talkythʹ vnto þᵉ kyngʹ wonduʳfuƚƚ͵
wordys. And sayde sir here is a gretefoule NoteThe Winchester MS reads "foule", but Caxton and aMA both agree with "great" as the modifier (Shepherd, 2004, p. 121, n. 5). Gyaunte of͵
that͵ turmentyth͵ thy pepƚe and hath devoured of thy peple mo than . v . C . &
many mo of͵ oure chyldren þᵗ hath͵ bene his sustynauˉ//
ce aƚƚ͵ this . vii . wynters yet͵ is þᵉ sotte neuer cesid but͵
In þᵉ contrey of͵ Constantyne he hath͵ kylled and destroyed aƚƚ͵ oure
knave chyldren

Milestone: The Giant and the Duchess of Brittany

¶ and this nyght͵ he hath͵ cleyȝte the
duches of͵ Bretayne as she rode by a ryver wᵗ herʹ NoteThe flourish of 'her' is similar to the 'er' abbreviation.
ryche knyghtɤ & ledde hir vnto yondir mounte to ly
by hir whyle hir lyff͵ lastyth ¶ Many folkys folowed
hym mo than . v . hundird Barounes and bachelers
and knyghtɤ fuƚƚ͵ nobƚe but͵ all they myght nat rescow hir but euer she shyked and cryed wondirly
lowde þᵗ þᵉ sorow of͵ þᵗ lady cover shaƚƚ͵ we neuer ¶ She
was thy cousyns wyff͵ Sir Howeƚƚ͵ the hende a man
þᵗ we calle nyȝe of͵ thy bloode ¶ Now as þᵘ arte oure
Ryghtwos kynge rewe on this lady and on thy lyege
pepƚe & revenge vs as a nobƚe conquerroure sholde

Milestone: King Arthur replies 2

¶ Alas seyde kynge Arthure this is a grete myscheffe
I had levir than aƚƚ͵ the Realmys I welde vnto my
crowne þᵗ I had bene be fore that͵ freyke a furlonge
way for to haue rescowed that͵ lady. And I wolde
haue done my payne ¶ Now felow seyde Arthure
woldist͵ þᵘ ken me where þᵗ carle dwellys I trowe I
shaƚƚ͵ trete wᵗ hym or I far passe ¶ Sir conquerroᵘ
seyde the good man be holde yondir . ii . fyrys for þere
shalte þᵘ fynde þᵗ carle be yonde þᵉ colde strendus
and tresoure oute of͵ nūbir þere mayste þᵘ sykerly fyn//
de more tresoure as I suppose than is In aƚƚ͵ Fraūce
aftir ¶ The kynge seyde good manʹ pees & carpe


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Folio 76r
Folio 76r