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holde my Rounde taƀƚe and I woƚƚ͵ brynge wᵗ me the
beste pepƚe of͵ ·xv· Realmys· And wᵗ hem ryde on þᵉ
mountaynes In the mayne londis and myne doune
þᵉ wallys of͵ Myllayne the proude and syth͵ ryde vn//
to Roome wᵗ my Royallyst͵ knyghtɤ ¶ Now ye haue
youre you[ ]e(r)e answere . hygh· you þᵉ þ[ ]ᵗ(ᵉ) ye were hense & frome
this place to the porte þere ye shaƚƚ͵ passe ouer . And I
shaƚƚ͵ gyff͵ you .vii. dayes to passe vnto Sandwyche

Div: NOw spede you I counceyle you

Milestone: King Arthur tells ambassadors how they should leave the land

NOw spede you I counceyle you & spare nat
youre horsis and loke ye go by watlynge
strete and no way ellys and where nyght͵ fallys
on you loke ye there a byde be hit͵ felle oþer towne
I take no kepe for hit͵ longyth͵ nat͵ to none Alyaun//
tis for to ryde on nyghtɤ and may ony be founde a
spere lengthe oute of͵ þᵉ way and þᵗ ye be nat In þᵉ watir
by the . vij . nyghtɤ ende there shaƚƚ͵ no golde vndir
god pay for youre Raunsomʹ ¶ Sir seyde this Se//
this is an harde conduyte we be seche yoᵘ
that͵ we may passe saufly. Care ye nat͵ seyde the
kynge youre Conduyte is aƀƚe And than he commaunded his tresorer to gyve them grete gyfftes and to pay all their dispencys and so they toke theireleve and departed

Milestone: Ambassadors return

¶ Thus they passed
fro Carleyle vnto Sandwyche warde that͵ hadde
but͵ ·vii· dayes for to passe thorow þᵉ londe and so
Sir Cador brought͵ hemʹ on her wayes . But͵ the
Senatours S[ ]a(e)natours spared for no horse but͵ hyred hemʹ ha//
keneyes frome towne to (to) towne. And by þᵉ sonne was
sette at͵ þᵉ ·vij· dayes ende they com vnto Sandwy//
so blythe were they neuer and so the same nyght͵
they toke theire shyppyngþᵉ watir and passed In to fflaundres &
Almayne and aftir þᵗ ouer þᵉ grete mountayne þᵗ hyght͵ Godarde
and so aftir thorow lumbardy and thorow Tuskayne
And sone aftir they come to the Emperoure lucius and


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Folio 73r
Folio 73r