Fol. 72v
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Roome myght͵ I none haue and so I yode my way sore
rebuked and þerefore to be avenged I woƚƚ͵ a rere of͵ my
wyghteste walshemenʹ and of͵ myne owne fre wagis
brynge you ·xxxti. Mƚ·
Milestone: Sir Ewan and son Ider speak
¶ Than sir Ewayne and his sonIder that͵ were nere cosyns vnto þᵉ conquerroᵅ yet͵ we//
re they cosyns bothe twayne and they helde Irelonde
& Argayle and aƚƚ͵ the oute Iles . Sir seyde they vnto
kynge Arthure here we make oure avowes vntoo
Cryste manly to ryde In to lumbardy and so vnto Me//
layne wallys And so ouer the poynte Tremble Inʹ to þᵉ
vale of͵ vyterbe and þereto vytayle ouremy knyghtɤ and for
to be a venged on the Romayns we shaƚƚ͵ bryngʹ the
xxxti. Mƚ· of͵ good mēnys bodyes
Milestone: Sir Launcelot speaks
¶ Than leepe Inʹ yongʹSir launcelot͵ de laake wᵗ a lyght͵ herte & seyde vnto
kynge Arthure thouȝe my londis marche nyghe thyne
enemyes yet͵ shaƚƚ͵ I make myne a vow aftir my po//
wer þᵗ of͵ good menʹ of͵ armys aftir my bloode thus
many I shaƚƚ͵ brynge wᵗ me ·xx· Mƚ· helmys In haubir//
kes attyred þᵗ shaƚƚ͵ neuer fayle you whyles oure ly//
ves lastyth͵
Milestone: Sir Bawdwyn of Brittany speaks
¶ Thanʹ lowȝe sir Bawdwyn of͵ Bre//tayne and carpys to þᵉ kynge I make myne avow
vnto þᵉ vernacle noble. for to brynge wᵗ me ·x·Mƚ
good mēnys bodyes þᵗ shaƚƚ͵ neuer fayle whyle there
lyvis lastyth͵
Milestone: King Arthur speaks to Roman ambassadors
¶ Now I thanke you seyde the kyyge NoteThe scribe made a mistake of dittography of a letter, 'y'. He corrected this mistake with an expunction, but then he realised that he missed letter 'n'. He cancelled the whole word with a red striking through line, and started the next line with the word 'kynge'.kynge wᵗ aƚƚ͵ my trew herte I suppose by þᵉ ende be
done & dalte þᵉ Romaynes had bene bettir to haue
leffte þeire proude message ¶ So whanʹ þᵉ ·vii· nyghte
was atte anʹ ende the Senatours be sought͵ þᵉ kynge
to haue an answere hit͵ is weƚƚ͵ seyde þᵉ kynge ¶ And in the presence of alle his lordes and knyghtes he seyde to them in thys wyse Now
sey ye to youre Emperoure that͵ I shaƚƚ͵ In aƚƚ͵ haste me
redy make wᵗ my keene knyghtɤ and by þᵉ Reuer of͵ RooneRome