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he smote hym ageyne with Excalibur that it clefte his hede fro
the somette of his hede / and stynted not tyl it cam to his breste
And thenne themperour fylle doune dede / and there ended his
lyf /
Milestone: King Arthur and knights mount attack against Romans and Saracens
And whan it was knowen that themperour was slayneanone alle the Romayns with all their hoost put them to fly//
ght / and kynge Arthur with alle his knyghtes folowed the
chaas / and slewe doune ryght alle them that they myghte at//
teyne / And thus was the vyctory gyuen to kynge Arthur &
the tryumphe / and there were slayne on the party of Lucius
moo than an honderd thousand /
Milestone: King Arthur and his knights bury men lost
And after kyng Arthur dyddoo ransake the dede bodyes / and dyd doo burye them that were
slayne of his retenue euery man accordynge to thestate & de//
gree that he was of / And them that were hurte he lete the sur//
gyens doo serche their hurtes and woundes / and commaun//
ded to spare no salues ne medecynes tyl they were hole /
Milestone: King Arthur rides to Emperor Lucius
Thenne the kyng rode strayte to the place where themperour lu
cius lay dede / and with hym he fond slayne the Sowdan of
Surrey / the kynge of Egypte and of Ethyope / whiche we//
re two noble kynges with xvij other kynges of dyuerse regy/
/ons / and also syxty senatours of Rome al noble men / whome
the kynge dyd do bawme and gomme with many good gom//
mes aromatyk / and after dyd do cere them in syxty fold of ce
red clothe of Sendale / and leyd them in chestys of leed / by ca//
use they shold not chauffe ne sauoure / and vpon alle these bo//
dyes their sheldes with theire armes and baners were sette / to
thende they shold be knowen of what country they were /
Milestone: Three Senatours of Rome
andafter he fonde thre Senatours whiche were on lyue to whome
he sayd / for to saue your lyues I wylle that ye take these dede
bodyes / and carye them with yow vnto grete Rome / and pre//
sente them to the potestate on my behalue shewynge hym my let
ters / and telle them that I in my persone shal hastely be atte
Rome / And I suppose the Romayns shalle beware how they
shal demaunde ony trybute of me / And I commaunde yow to
saye whan ye shal come to Rome to the potestate and all the
counceylle and Senate / that I sende to them these dede bodyes
for the trybute that they haue demaunded / And yf they be not
content with these / I shal paye more at my comynge / for other
trybute owe I none / ne none other wylle I paye / And me