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Folio 90r
Folio 90r
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fore sir knyght͵ for thy kyngɤ sake telle me thy name

Milestone: Sir Gawayne reveals identity

¶ Sir seyde Sir Gawayne I am no knyght͵ but͵ I haue
be brought͵ vp In the wardrope wᵗ þᵉ nobƚe kyngʹ Arthure
wyntyrs and dayes for to take hede to his armoure &
aƚƚ͵ his oþer wedis and to poynte aƚƚ͵ þᵉ paltokkys þᵗ longe
to hymʹ self͵ and to dresse doublettis for deukys & Erlys
and at͵ yole he made me yomanʹ and gaff͵ me good gyff͵//
tys more thanʹ an .C. pounde and horse & harneyse rych͵
¶ And yf͵ I haue happe to my hele to serue my lyege lorde I
shaƚƚ͵ be weƚƚ͵ holpynʹ In haste ¶ A sayde Sir Priamus
and his knavys be so kene his knyghtɤ ar passynge good
¶ Now for thy kyngɤ loue of hevyn and for thy kyngys
love wheþer þᵘ be knave oþer knyght͵ telle þᵘ me thy name͵ Be
god seyde Sir Gawayne Now woƚƚ͵ I telle þᵉ soth͵ My name is Syre Gawayne I am kno//
wyn In his courte & kyd In his chambir and Rolled wᵗ þᵉ
Rychest͵ of͵ þᵉ Rounde tabƚe And I am a deuke dubbed wyth͵
his owen hondis þerefore grucche nat͵ good sir if͵ me this
grace is be happened hit͵ is þᵉ goodnesse of͵ god þᵗ lente
me this strength͵

Milestone: Sir Gawayne and Sir Priamus go to retinue

¶ Now I am I bettir pleased sayde Sir
Pryamus than þᵘ haddest͵ gyff͵ me þᵉ provynce and parysie þᵉ
þᵉ ryche for I had levir haue be torynʹ wᵗ .iiij. wylde horse
than ony yomanʹ had suche a loose wōne of͵ me oþer els ony
page oþer prycker sholde wӯne of͵ me þᵉ pryce Inʹ this felde
gotyn͵ But͵ now I warne þᵉ sir knyght͵ of͵ þᵉ rounde table
here is by þᵉ Deuke of Lorayne wᵗ his knyghtɤ and þᵉ dough//
tyeste of͵ Dolphyne landys wᵗ many hyȝe duche menʹ &
many lordis of͵ Lumbardy and þᵉ garneson of͵ godarde &
men of͵ westwalle worshypfuƚƚ͵ kyngɤ And of͵ Syssoyne
and of͵ Southlonde Sarezynȝyns many nūbirde and there
named ar In Rollys Sixti .Mƚ. of͵ syker menʹ of͵ armys
There fore but͵ þᵘ hyȝe þᵉ fro this heth͵ hit͵ woƚƚ͵ harme Pen trial by a later hand in top, right and bottom margins.