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many fayre contrayes þᵗ Arthure had wonne be fore of͵ þᵉ
myghty kynge Claudas so this lucius lucius luciu dispercled abrode
his oste Syxty myle large and commaunde hem to mete
wᵗ hym In Normandy In the contray of͵ Constantyne and
at͵ Barflete there ye me abyde for the douchery of͵
Bretayne I shaƚƚ͵ thorowly dystroy hit͵‧›
Div: NOw leve we Sir lucius And speke we of͵ kyngʹ Arthure
Milestone: King Arthur holds a parliament at York
¶ NOw leve we Sir lucius And speke we of͵ kyngʹ Ar//
thure that͵ cōmaunded aƚƚ͵ þᵗ were vndir his obey//
saunce aftir the vtas of͵ Seynte hyllary þᵗ aƚƚ͵ shulde be
assembled for to holde a parlement͵ at͵ yorke wᵗ In þᵉ wallys
and þere they concluded shortly to a reste aƚƚ͵ þᵉ shyppes of͵ this
londe And wᵗ In . xv . dayes to be redy at͵ Sandwych͵ Now
sirrys seyde Arthure I purpose me to passe many perelles
wayes and to ocupye þe Empyre þᵗ myne elders a fore
haue claymed þerefore I pray you counseyle me þᵗ may
be beste and moste worshyp
Milestone: Two chieftains are ordained
¶ The kyngɤ & knyghtɤ ga//dirde hem vnto counsayle & were condecended for to
make . ii . chyfftaynes. that͵ was Sir Baudwen of͵ Bre//
tayne anʹ Auncient͵ & anʹ honorable knyght͵ for to councey //
le and comforte and Sir Cadore son of͵ Cornuayle þᵗ was
at͵ þᵗ tyme called Sir Constantyne that͵ aftir was kynge
aftir Arthurs dayes ¶ And þere In the presence of͵ aƚƚ͵ þᵉ lordis
the kynge resynedresceyued aƚƚ͵ þᵉ rule vnto thes . ii . lordis and
quene Gwenyvere
Milestone: Sir Trystrams
And Sir Trystrams at͵ þᵗ tyme belefthe left͵wᵗ kynge Marke of͵ Cornuayle for þᵉ loue of͵ labeale
Isode where fore Sir launcelot͵ was passyngʹ wrothe
Milestone: Sorrow of Queen Gwenyuer
Than quene Gwenyuer made grete sorow that͵ thekynge and aƚƚ͵ þᵉ lordys sholde so be departed And þere she
feƚƚ͵ doune on a swone and hir ladyes bare hir to herʹ
chambir // NoteThe flourish of 'her' looks like an '-er' abbreviation mark.
Milestone: King Arthur departs
¶ Than þᵉ kynge cōmaunded hem to god & belefte þᵉ quene In Sir Constantynes And sir Baudewens